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Classic Compass

A platform bridging the chasm between the past and present, bringing the relevance and beauty of classical languages into today's global landscape. We believe in the enduring value of Classics and Languages, and we're here to guide you on an enriching educational journey that intertwines history, language, and culture.

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our goal

On our platform, you'll delve deep into Latin...

...examining its profound impact on modern languages, literature, and more. For example, trace how Latin has directly influenced the evolution of Romance languages, enriching your understanding of French, Spanish, or Italian. Or explore the rich imagery in Virgil's Aeneid, broadening your literary perspective and honing your analytical skills.


But we go beyond mere intellectual exploration. We highlight the practicality of studying classics in today's world, demonstrating how knowledge of classical languages can enrich various career paths, like law, scientific research, and politics, with their Latin-based jargon, to literature, history, and linguistics.

Classic Compass is more than just an educational platform; it's a powerful tool illuminating your path to becoming a globally-aware, well-rounded scholar.

Featured Episodes

Píramo y Tisbe

[Spanish Series] En este video, exploraremos el trágico mito de Píramo y Tisbe, escrito por Ovidio. Este video es íntegramente en español, para que todos tengan la oportunidad de conocer el mundo clásico, y además puedan enamorarse del idioma latino. Hacia el final del vídeo hablaremos de la relevancia de esta historia en la actualidad y de cómo inspiró a otros escritores conocidos, como Shakespeare.

What is Classic Compass all about?

On our platform, you'll delve deep into Latin, examining its profound impact on modern languages, literature, and more.

Saving History: Language Revival and Endangered Languages

Each year, roughly two dozen of the world’s 6,000 languages are lost. In this podcast, we highlight efforts to revive ancient or endangered languages and their cultural significance. We also look at why it's important to preserve linguistic diversity.

about the founder


Silvia is a high school student with a deep interest in classics and languages, notably Spanish and Latin. She loves exploring the overlap of her subjects and aims to connect others to these fields.



Let's Talk

The Science of Language Learning

In this podcast, we delve into the cognitive science behind language acquisition and how understanding these processes can enhance learning strategies beyond mastering another tongue.

Interviewing Nelia Ermolenka, a Fulbright from Russia. Welcome Nella to the Classic Compass Podcast!

How can being multilingual foster a deeper appreciation for linguistic diversity and the importance of language preservation in general?

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[History and Historical Events] North Korean Escapee Discusses Theology and Faith in Christ

Join us for an inspiring conversation about faith and freedom.

Language Evolution in the Digital Age

Linguists, like John McWhorter, believe that modern technology and the internet are having a profound effect in shaping the evolution of language. In this podcast, we explore the impact of social media on language and what this might mean for the future.

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